There’s a lot going on right now. A long-overdue national reckoning on racism. An ongoing pandemic. And the reopening of states across the country—a process that will help to define the near-future of restaurants. I’m signing off today’s newsletter with some worthy reads on those first two topics.
In regard to the latter, I want to share a passion project that my friend Lisa and I have been working on with all of you.
Introducing Guest Collective ❤️
The fact is we miss restaurants and I know you do, too.
Since the days surrounding their forced closure in mid-March, we’ve been following along and thinking about how we can help. And over the course of many text messages and Zoom calls, we realized something: there’s a crucial perspective that’s been missing from the public conversation around saving restaurants—that of the guests.
We created Guest Collective to represent the guest perspective to ensure the prosperity of the hospitality industry. But before we dive into the future, we wanted to pay homage to how we got here which means conjuring those old memories of your favorite restaurants—the place where you had that perfect third date, the bartender who calls you by a nickname, that dish you still dream of—and thanking them for all they’ve done. Enter Love Letters.
Help us build out the map by writing a Love Letter or two (or eighteen), then passing it along to your friends and fam—which you can do so easily by re-sharing this post from our IG account (while you’re there, throw us a follow :)) or tweeting about it. Please feel free to email or text it around, too.
Note: Love Letters is New York City focused for now!
Let me know what you think, if you come across any issues, or how you felt while writing Love Letters
Recommended reads
The ‘New Normal’ for Restaurants Shouldn’t Be Normal at All by Meghan McCarron [Eater]
Eating at Black-Owned Restaurants Isn't Going to Save Us by Ruth Gebreyesus [KQED]
A Juneteenth of Joy and Resistance by Nicole Taylor [NYTimes]
Oakland Chef Stands with Protestors: 'Violence Against Property Is Nothing Close to Violence Against People' by Fernay McPherson [Food & Wine]
How to Feed Crowds in a Protest or Pandemic? The Sikhs Know by Priya Krishna [NYTimes]
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